If you love ice-cream but want a healthy alternative, you can turn to bananas! It turns out that frozen bananas can easily replicate the texture and flavor of traditional ice-cream. Banana ice-cream is so delicious that my kids ask me to make it all the time!
In order to make banana ice-cream, you only need 2 ingredients – banana and some sort of juice. I often use apple juice or pineapple juice, but you could mix it up with another juice you prefer. Just keep in mind what sounds like it would taste good with bananas!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so with that in mind, a video must be worth a million! Watch how easy it is to whip up a batch of delicious banana ice-cream in the video below, or keep reading if you don’t feel like watching a video.
Not the video type? No worries. All you need to do to make banana ice-cream is to get a bunch of bananas that are slightly on the brown side. We’re not talking completely brown, but if they’re just starting to get a few brown spots on the peels, then, they’re perfect.
Step 1 – Break the bananas into large chunks and put them in a freezer bag or your favorite freezer-safe container.
Step 2 – Keep the bananas in the freezer until they are frozen solid. This could be a few hours or overnight.
Step 3 – Put the bananas in a powerful food processor or blender with a little bit of your juice of choice. You just need enough juice so that the bananas can blend well. I suggest adding a little bit at a time. You want your ice-cream to be thick!
Step 4 – Enjoy your banana ice-cream! If you want to give it a soft serve look, you can put it in a piping bag or a ziplock bag with the tip cut off and squeeze it into bowls that way, or you can just scoop it into a bowl and enjoy.
Bonus: You could add to the flavor by adding in an optional mix-in, like peanut butter or strawberries.
Interested in other ways to use bananas? Check out my chocolate banana bread recipe.
Are you going to try making banana ice-cream?