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Jayne February 12, 2017


Have you ever looked at the shape of a pretzel and thought “this looks just like a heart”? I never had until today, and when it hit me, I knew what I had to do – get out the chocolate!

Here’s how I made Valentine’s Day chocolate heart pretzels: I put 1/4 cup of white chocolate chips in the microwave for 30 seconds, stirred, 30 seconds more, stirred…melted perfection! Then I used a fork (you could use a spoon, a butter knife, another pretzel, etc) to fill 8 mini pretzels with melted chocolate (I recommend putting the pretzels on parchment paper before adding the chocolate), only leaving the outer edges of the pretzels visible…which looks just like a heart! Finally, I added red sprinkles for some extra Valentine’s Day flair. Then I melted more white chocolate exactly the same way as before, but after it was melted, I stirred in 2 drops of red food coloring to make the chocolate pink. I filled 8 more mini pretzels with this chocolate and added white sprinkle sugar on top.

But then I had another idea. While looking at the heart pretzels, I pushed a few together and knew I had to try creating a shamrock for St. Patricks Day!


Here’s how I made chocolate pretzel Shamrocks: I repeated the chocolate melting process for the hearts but added 2 drops of green food coloring this time. I pushed 3 mini pretzels together and one mini pretzel stick in the center (the picture should make this easier to understand). Then I filled the pretzels with chocolate and covered the connecting area between the pretzels with chocolate so that when the chocolate dried, I was able to pick the entire shamrock up lollipop-style.

I think these treats would be perfect for a school party, a boxed up homemade-candy treat for your Valentine or a quick way to cure a craving for something salty and sweet. I’m definitely going to be making the Shamrock shape for St. Patrick’s Day!

See how easily this recipe comes together AND see two more shapes you can make out of pretzels in the video below.

Happy eating!