Have you heard of the book The Five Love Languages? It was written by Dr. Gary Chapman. My husband and I read that book when we were first married, and I think it is very helpful to understand ways you and your significant other feel most loved. Basically, there are five different ways people feel loved. They’re Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Gifts and Physical Touch.
My husband is Words of Affirmation, which basically means that he feels most loved when he’s complimented. A couple years ago for Valentine’s Day I made him a gift to go along with his love language. If your significant other is Gifts, this project would also be appreciated by him/her. I bought one of those little metal mailboxes they sell at craft stores this time of year, a paint pen, and some pink and red construction paper. I decorated the mailbox with the paint pen, and I cut about 50 hearts out of the construction paper. If you have a heart-shaped cookie cutter, that works well for a pattern. On each heart, I wrote something nice about my husband. Then I folded the hearts in half and stuffed them in the mailbox. That was a gift he really appreciated because it spoke to his love language. Perhaps your significant other would love an easy homemade gift like this too!
Love Notes
For This Project You’ll Need:
1 small metal mailbox (sold at craft stores in the Valentine’s Day section)
1 paint pen
pink and red paper
heart-shaped cookie cutter
Step 1: Decorate the mailbox as desired with the paint pen. You can draw hearts, write “I Love You”, write xoxo, it’s up to you!
Step 2: Use the cookie cutter as a pattern. Place it on the paper and draw around it with the pencil to make hearts on the paper. Cut out the hearts. You’ll want about 50 hearts.
Step 3: Use the paint pen to write positive things about your significant other on the hearts. Some ideas to get you going might me:
You’re Super Cute
I Love You
You’re Wonderful
I Love Your Smile
You get the idea. It’s best if you tailor at least some of the sayings to your significant other. For example, for my husband I might say “You’re a Great Cook” or “I Love That You’re Creative.”
On Valentine’s Day, you could leave the mailbox somewhere your significant other will find it, or you could put it in a gift bag to present it to him/her at a specific time that day.
Now, that’s some Pretty Creative Stuff!