To me, decorating is all about layering, and there’s nothing prettier to layer than fresh flowers in delicate glass vases. I live in Southern California, so we have flowers year-round, but Spring is the perfect time to display them.
There are several rose bushes in my backyard that are in full bloom, so I took advantage of that and clipped a few buds. I’ve found that the perfect time to clip a rose is when it’s still a bud and is just barely starting to open. Earlier than that, and you’ll have to wait too long for the rose to open, or it may not open at all. Later than that, and the rose will die too quickly. Always cut roses at an angle and trim off any leaves or branches that will be under the water line.
I grabbed a bunch of glass vases to try out different shapes and sizes for these roses. I decided to put four smaller vases in a larger glass vase and put one rose in each smaller vase. Layers, remember?
To keep the smaller vases from clanking around inside the larger vase, I grabbed some plastic Hawaiian leis that I had leftover from a luau party and tucked those in around the smaller vases to keep them from moving and to add another layer of color.
Each of the smaller vases cost no more than a dollar. I’ve collected them over the years from places like IKEA and Marshall’s. The larger vase was leftover from a flower arrangement that I received last year. I never throw away vases.
Tomorrow’s Easter, so this will be my Easter table centerpiece. It would be perfectly lovely for any Spring or Summer centerpiece though. If you wanted to make it more specific to Easter, you could tuck some plastic grass (like they sell for Easter baskets) around the smaller vases.
Now, that’s some Pretty Creative Stuff!
It's a simple centerpiece for sure, but beautiful nonetheless! Using those blue and white flower petals for the base makes it perfect since they look sort of like water 😉
Mai | logfurnitureplace.com
I'm glad you like the centerpiece. You're right; the blue petals do resemble water. That's a great observation. I don't know that I even thought of that at the time.